Giving That Pleases God
36 Stewardship Devotions
Print length: 50 pages
This devotional will show you how to transform your life with giving that pleases God.
The Bible promises four kinds of rewards for Christians who give to please God: 1) Financial, 2) Emotional, 3) Spiritual, and 4) Eternal. The first three rewards are enjoyed in this life. And they are huge. Are you enjoying these blessings? Would you like to?
Would you like to enjoy the financial rewards of always having all the money you need (but not necessarily all you want), without worrying? Would you like to experience the happiness God promises to those who have learned that it is more blessed to give than to receive? Would you like to feel the greater sense of spiritual closeness to God that He gives to the cheerful giver? And, someday, would you like to enjoy the eternal rewards in the new earth promised to those who lay up treasure in heaven? The Bible-based devotions in this book will tell you how to give to receive these wonderful rewards.
The Bible teaches that we are stewards, not owners, of God-given resources. That's why Christians speak of money management and giving as stewardship. But sadly, year after year, statistics show that most church members do not give biblically. They aren't good stewards of God's money. Their giving doesn't please God. As a result, they are missing out on the many blessings He promises to faithful stewards.
Learning to give biblically is vital because when Christians get their giving in order wonderful things happen:
1) Their stress diminishes. 2) Their financial condition improves. 3) Their faith grows. 4) Their spiritual lives deepen. 5) Their marriages improve.
Giving That Pleases God is designed for daily use, Monday through Saturday, by families or individuals, for six weeks. Each short, daily devotional includes a key passage of Scripture, a brief explanation and application of the passage, a pungent quote, and Scripture references for further study.
This devotional book covers six themes:
Week 1: Days 1-6 - Where It All Comes From
Week 2: Days 7-12 - The Meaning of Stewardship
Week 3: Days 13-18 - Rewards for Faithful Givers
Week 4: Days 19-24 - Honoring God through Giving
Week 5: Days 25-30 - Spiritual Preparation for Giving
Week 6: Days 31-36 - Giving to Please God